quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2008

There are Jehovah's witnesses of Watch Tower, created from 1931 and there are witnesses of Jehovah according Holy Bible are created 2740 years ago, (Isaiah 43: 10-12) The Book of Isaiah was write in 732 A.E.C ( 732+2008=2740 )

Jehovah's witnesses according Watch Tower lately have violated some Bible principles, such as John 2: 14-16, for example. .Although deny whether to accept it is a reality.

According John 2: 14-16, that the Jehovah's Witnesses of Watch Tower of state obey and respect, saying that mentions Jesus Christ "Don’t do trade in the house of His Father," as a kind of respect as a head prohibiting the family who go to the table lunch and everyone agrees without shirt or a forum of Justice where prohibits that come from Bermuda or without shirt and all also agree.Similarly, when Jesus using a whip and expelling the traders who were trading in the temple, he expressed that there was a sacred place and it should be respected.

And as a matter of ethics, most Christian religions perhaps avoid making any kind of trade within their temples into consideration and respect the rules of Jesus Christ . The question is: What if the temple, although still belong to the Organization religious administers, is rented to a tenant who will pursue some type of trade any? The owners of the same would be infringing the ethical standards set by Jesus? Some might to ratiocinate thus: "Oh, .. Do not have any problem, because there no longer work any temple, so the biblical principle of the Jesus does not apply ”. "However ratiocinate: Suppose that the spouse of someone who knew the Bible mentions that" the marriage bed "should be spotless '( without defilement )(Hebrews 13: 4) means that leaving your residence, such spouse could throw with the other spouse outside his marriage in a "drug conjugal bed" in this case would not be such a sin extra-marital relationship?

What has changed there was a geographical region of the marital bed, but they will all agree that adultery exist because there is still a covenant of marriage between them. Similarly, having a temple dedicated (and a spouse was dedicated to another to be fair in each marriage another) even when not being used as a church but as a building any, but still is agreed and part of the organization arrangement (Organization belongs to) the principle of adultery to the covenant of Jesus on John 2: 14 -- 16 is the same.

Like a spouse would be free to throw in another bed with another conjugal if there was a divorce between them, the same way, a Hall of the United only be free of the pact of Jesus in John 2: 14-16 is not relate more to the Father of Jesus. The principle is the same. Nevertheless, the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watch Tower are inflict this principle (a type of spiritual adultery - See James 4: 4) lease by one or more that the kingdom's Halls still belongs to the Organization of Jehovah that the tenant make trade him .They are breaking the pact. If these Kingdom's Halls does not make more of the Organization of Jehovah equal to the divorced spouse, then that's fine. But they will all agree that a spouse still married spouse who sleeps with another stranger to his marriage (or covenant) is adulterer.

Similarly, the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses Watch Tower, have done "views coarse" the fact that the Kingdom Halls lease that still belong the Organization for other activities unrelated to the work of these religious who is preaching and teaching the Bible. Whilst can prove that this rental income is used to build other lounges of the Kingdom, this does not invalidate the words of Jesus in John 2: 14 -- 16, as well as a claim to the other spouse who is respecting the marriage bed them, but that only sleeps with another person in another marriage bed, this does not exempt from the guilt of adultery spouse, dear reader agrees or not dear reader? Similarly, it gives the lease of the Kingdom Halls that still belongs to the Organization of Jehovah (of a bond, a pact as a marriage).

I hope that the Jehovah Witnesses, who do not have any commitment to the church board, but with the truth, can analyze this fact with the hand on the minds of the words of Jesus in John 2: 14 to 16. Because the legitimate witnesses of Jehovah than 3500 years ago only had the benefit of Jehovah when followed its laws and watched his pledge. And the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watch Tower, will be prepared to think the same way? If they repent of this transgression communal above, Jehovah is merciful to forgive them, if not, remember the words of the Galatians 6: 7: "What the man sow, that is what reap." Also, another biblical principle that the Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watch Tower practiced is the fact that millions of copies wrote in a book published in hundreds of languages saying that "the day of Jehovah" and "the end of Christianity" if would in the Twenty Century " '(Book" The Nations will know that I am Jehovah-How?, on page. 200).

Any witness of Jehovah's of the Watch Tower will remember the case of Deuteronomy 18: 20-22, which states that if a prophet to speak something in the name of Jehovah who He have not comamanded him to speak it is PRESUMPTUOUS and should be dead, "says the Bible. There are more other evidence in other magazines and books from the Jehovah's Witnesses Watch Tower of that mention other false prophecies, (but that the leaders were TO GO AWAY to give explanations) but believe that the evidence above is more than enough. Only I am citing all these facts here to know that because of the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses Watch Tower of abuse of power by not giving any satisfaction to its members who are angry with such things. Instead give them a personal reply to each of its members who are angry with what happened, they simply "if TO GO AWAY ," .. "pretend they do not know of anything," .. and accuse the indagator of "apostate" as a way of not having to give anyone the satisfaction of its administrative improbability to the Holy Bible as above, and that is evidenced by the vast majority of his Jehovah's Witnesses who know of such events.

And you dear reader or dear reader, to know these facts, what will? Continue supporting leaders who violate biblical principles? .. OR .. Will do Acts 5: 29 that mentions that the Christian must first obey God as ruler before the men ...?

( Dear reader : excuse-me for hardly translation the Portuguese for English)